Birthday Tinker


Friday, April 16, 2010

Growing Up with Zoe

At 20 months, Zoe started to express herself and consistently showed us what she likes or dislikes. This is when we realized that the little girl likes her fishball meehoon and ABC soup with rice! She can have these 2 dishes every meal! Added to this, Zoe was excited to have her chips and cashew nuts for snacks and not forgetting bread and butter for breakfast.

Eventually, she still dislikes vegetable and beans. Till now, we’re still looking for a way to get Zoe to finish her vege.

Zoe is going to be 2 next month. As I’m being told, Zoe is going into a difficult stage but is a normal transition to grow up. I had a few ‘sneak preview’ where the little girl is pushing to the limit (my patient) and one if it was getting her to sleep. Zoe had requested bottle of water before settling down. While drinking, she would accidentally spilled some water out and wet her pajamas, just to get it changed, to get our attention and to be certain the adults around her know important she is. Phew! What’s more?

My father was helping me to babysit Zoe while waiting for the maid’s arrival. Because of this, Zoe is strongly attached to her Gong Gong. She would not go to bed unless Gong Gong is putting her to sleep…now you can imagine the hard time I have putting the little to sleep. We realized that for the past months, both my husband and me were quite tied up with projects at work and we were unable to put Zoe to bed every night.

The attachment was so strong with Gong Gong and the little girl only felt secured in Gong Gong room and reluctant to sleep in our bedroom. We’re aware that we have to assured the little girl that we won’t leave her and to build the trust again.


  1. It is hard to teach kids to eat vege and fruits. Maybe you can introduce fruit juice to her first. i gave my gal a blend of carrot, apple and celery every morning when she was younger, but now she dislike it. hahaha! Need to "trick" her, telling her good for her skin. Girl still girl. They tend to like to be beautiful

  2. Hi Rose..thanks for the advice. Will try it up since Zoe is quite vain.

  3. my boy also don't like vege..
