Birthday Tinker


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Zoe goes to pre school

On 3rd Jan, Zoe started pre school in Montessori Place. She's very excited to go to school and very learned to put away her shoe and wash her hand before meal. We were relieved that Zoe was receptive until we left her for 1/2 hour. When we returned to the pre school, Zoe was in tears and from there on she become clingy and would not let us out of our sight.

We're worried whether Zoe could let go and be independent during school.For the time being we will still try to talk to her and accompany her during class.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry too much. it is the initial stage only then once you leave her in the class, she will be fine. You got to let go. GOod luck!
