Birthday Tinker


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Zoe Loves Music!

Zoe has always love music. She will stop and look whenever there's musci on the TV. She's so excited when Zoe realise that Mummy mobile phone has music!!

Learning from adults, when she got the mobile phone, she will put to her ear or start to dance when music starts.
Hope Mummy can find her little radio for kids. Let's see.

Zoe @ 15 months

Recently Zoe has develop an attachment with soft toys. She grew to like teddy bear bear, rabbit and doggie. Zoe likes it a lot when Mummy talked to her via bear bear. This is a progress; previously Zoe need ample time to get used to new toys.

At this age, Zoe clearly understands mumm...mumm....means food! Mummy allow her to snack in between meals on her favourite biscuit and sometime oatmeal bread to add in variety. Mummy found that when Zoe is open to more food, she's more attentive during meal time. Now, Mummy is trying to show Zoe can also use spoon to feed herself besides using her fingers. At the moment, Zoe is not quite use with spoon, so more effort is required. Don't give up, Zoe!

Since 13 months, Zoe has been introduced to solid food such as pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, tomato, carrot, chicken and fish. Zoe loves her pumpkin porridge. Next step is to introduce Zoe to beans and other vegetables, which Mummy is still looking for recipe.

Mummy out there any suggestions?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Zoe @ Lucas 1st Birthday Party

Yesterday, KK a friend of mine celebrated his son's 1st birthday and insisted us to bring Zoe along. We were quite reluctant as Zoe goes to bed at 7.30pm! So, yesterday morning I was talking to Zoe about birthday party by showing how the animals in her story book having a party. She's quite attentive when I explained to her about party.
It works. Zoe managed to stay up and she's really enjoying herself with some of the food while playing her new toys. (Mummy has to get Zoe the same toy as the present she gave to Lucas). Zoe wasted no time to explore the place and loves to walk about the buffet line when people gather for food and around the pond looking out for more fishes!

At home Zoe loves hugs and kisses from us but when Lucas kisses Zoe, she brushed him away and try her best not to be kissed again!! Daddy was happy as he would not need to worry about her daughter being to open!

This is Zoe's 1st party besides her own and it's quite a success. Looking forward to bring Zoe for more outings!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Zoe's a Brave Girl

In a week time, Zoe will be 15 months old. Today, we finally managed to get her injections, after 3 visits to doctor due to fever recurrence. Daddy and I has expect to have a Baby crying out of the consultation room after 2 injections. However, when we let her 'borrow' her favourite toy from her paediatric, Zoe stop crying and starts to wave to other kids when Gong Gong send her home first.

It's a joy to see Zoe growing up even though there are times that I lose patient talking to her. She doesn't seem to understand at all! But I know I'm rest assured that as parent we need time to gather our thoughts and that goes the same to Zoe as well. I've learned not to be so pushy and let her learn at her own pace.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Zoe's Emotional Needs

At 14 months, Zoe has started to throw tantrums to get what she wants. The other day she cried when Mummy doesn't allow her to play with her Doreamon cabinet. She doesn't stop crying until Mummy allow her with her desire and the articles proves handy when Mummy use her 'Moo...Moo' soft toys to divert her attention and IT WORKS....!

As Zoe grows, her emotional needs increase together. She knows when other scold her or laugh at her and she either cry or sulk. From the positive side, from this expression I understand Zoe better and can gauge what upset her or motivate her.

Let's see what Zoe will develop next month.